
請幫我翻譯成英文 台北一日遊


今天天氣很好難得一個假日安排行程台北一日遊 早上九點半從家裡出發坐捷運到萬華龍山寺拜拜 這是一間歷史悠久的古蹟拜拜保佑平安然後十一 點往101大樓前進吃過中飯在101大樓逛百貨商 圈華那威秀買了2件喜歡的櫬衫4點多再坐捷運 往淡水到漁人碼頭看日落海風徐徐吹來很舒服晚 飯在淡水老街吃逛老街買了一些喜歡的小飾品大 有收穫懷著快樂的心情返回溫暖的家 在假日讓自己放鬆一下調整心情充電後再迎接挑 戰的明天今天真好


It's a nice day today to plan a one day trip in Taipei. We left house at 9:30 morning, took the MRT to Long Shan Temple, known as a historical heritage to wish for the bless for the family. We went to Taipei 101 at 11am, had lunch there and bought 2 shirts I really liked at nearby Warner district. Afterwards, we took MRT to Danshui Fisherman's Wharf to watch sunset around 4pm. We really enjoyed the sea breeze. We had dinner at the ancient street of Danshui, and bought some souveniors. We went home happily and satisfied. It's always nice to relax and adjust our mood during the holidays to get ready for the challenge tomorrow. We had a great day today.



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